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IELTS Speaking topic: Foreign food

05/08/20182 minute read
  • Have you ever tried foreign food?
  • Do you like to try new food?
  • What kinds of new food have you tried recently?
  • What kinds of foreign food are popular in your country?
  • Do you like any food from the countries near China?

Oh yes, I love foreign food all by my heart. I have been to USA before. It was a long stay and I grabbed every opportunity to explore sandwich, hamburg and different cheese. I am also a die hard fan of Japanese food.

Yes, why not. When I am travelling in a new place, I’m always dwelling in the street, hunting for different local food. I believe tasting the new food is indispensable part of the trip.

I have tried the oysters recently because my lemon tree has got lots of lemon this winter. So I have had them with the white wine. The raw oysters and lemon tastes very sweet, fresh and delicious. They are the perfect combination.

Well, there are so many people in my country, it’s really hard to say, probably some people enjoy the Korean BBQ, but personally speaking, I prefer the Japanese food, like sushi and sashimi, because they are much healthier.

Yes, the Japanese food, such as sushi and sashimi. Because they taste much similar to the Chinese food, and besides, they are always served as fresh as possible, so I can enjoy the original flavour of the food.


Comments (14)

  1. hello,I am a Chinese student, I found this website by accident. I read some topic and this it is beneficial to me. I appreciate that u write down these topics and answer. However, I noticed that u haven’t update for about 5 months. Will u continue to update? I am looking forward your start.

    1. Hi, thank you for your comment. I would like to update it if I have time. I am always busy since I moved to Australia, but anyway, the site has been beneficial to many people so I think I would make it alive in the future.

  2. Hi Pirlo, I would like for permission to use some of the content on this blog in my course materials. I teach Chinese visiting scholars in NE China. Would you grant this to me? Thank you so much.

    I hope your time in Australia is going well.

    1. Hi Mark. Thank you for your comment. All the contents in this website is free to use, so it’s OK to use them in your course materials.

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