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IELTS Writing: Attracting local people to museum

13/02/20152 minute read

Many museums and historical sites are mainly visited by tourists, not local people. Why? What can be done to attract local people?

Museums and other historical sites seem to be less attractive to local residents than to tourists. I believe the main reason is that these places are not intriguing to locals who do not feel motivated to visit them regularly.

First, it is obvious that the sense of curiosity about local history strongly motivate tourists to check out history-related places like museums in a city or town during their stay. As these venues or sites not only fully represent the past of the city, but also show a progressive scene of how a city has changed. But local people do not necessarily need to visit these places to know history because local citizens have witnessed their city change day by day since they were born.

Moreover, some museums are renowned around the country or globe, which attract floods of visitors all year round, therefore, the number of native visitors are relatively few. The British Museum, for example, are visited by as many as 6 million people every year, just a bit less than the population of London, 8 million.

However, being less interested in local historical sites does not suggest they do not care anymore. Apparently, many of them expect to be more involved in renewing history; the government, for example, is supposed to enact laws to encourage locals to come and share their own experience and memories on various aspects of historical progress. Therefore, this practise will inspire their enthusiasm to visit these museums more often in the future.

In sum, museums or historical sites primarily attract curious travellers who are keen to discover local history. In order to attract more native residents, organising engaging cultural events may make a difference.

282 words

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