This page serves as an index of the IELTS speaking cues, both part 2 and 3, so that you can quickly browse all the topics I collected and find the one you need.
- App
- A foreign film
- A traffic jam
- A popular band or singer
- A subject you didn’t enjoy
- A broken device
- Waiting for someone
- A souvenir
- A family member
- A family celebration
- An old thing at your family
- A beautiful place where you want to have a home
- Helping a neighbour
- An important letter
- A place to travel to
- A law
- A magazine
- Borrowing something
- A beautiful or handsome person
- Something you want to learn but you can’t learn now
- A good service
- An interesting animal
- A historic building
- Sharing something
- A positive experience
- Doing something with a group of people
- A prize
- A friend at school
- An old man you respect
- A language you would like to learn
- A person who has an interesting job
- A situation when you received some useful advice
- An interesting conversation
- A success your friend has had
- A person you wanted to be similar to in teenage years
- Something you did which was a waste of time
- A good photo of you
- A time when you stayed far away from your home
- A meal you invited others
- A project that you were once involved in
- An important job
- A long journey
- A game when you were a child
- A friend who is a good leader
- A vehicle you would like to buy
- An interesting website
- An exciting sport
- A movie you would like to watch again
- An ambition you have not achieved yet
- A person who is good at cooking
- A historical city you have been to
- A long journey you would like to make again
- A book you have read recently
- Something interesting you learnt from the internet
- A colourful place
- A time when you got lost
- A good news
- A happy family event from your childhood
- A place near water
- A subject you didn’t like before
- A family member you would like to work with
- A pleasant surprise
- A time you were friendly to someone you didn’t like
- A childhood song
- An electronic machine you want to buy
- An age/stage you enjoyed
- A picture in your family
- An educational TV programme
- A place that can be good to relax
- A situation that others didn’t tell you the whole truth
- A special toy
- A tourist siteA person who can speak a second language
- A park you visited
- A special trip
- A place where you can read and write
- A team you have been part of
- A person who dresses well
- A child that made you laugh
- A restaurant you like
- A paid job
- A small and successful company
- An occasion you got up extremely early
- An indoor game
- Something that you want to learn more
- A situation when you helped someone
- A time that you and your friend had a disagreement
- An educational trip
- A time when you feel surprised to meet someone
- A person whose job is important
- A recent happy event that you had
- A change that will improve your local area
- A person in the news that you would like to meet
- An important conversation that influenced you
- A law about environment you would like to see
- A house or apartment you want to live in
- A time someone or something made noise
- A café or restaurant you like to visit
- A foreign country you want to visit but haven’t been to
- An article you read about healthy life
- A new skill you want to learn
- A time you watched the sky
- A place you visited but only for a short period time
- A long walk you ever had
- A situation you waited for something
- Success
- A person who likes to travel by plane
- A long car journey you went on
- An art and craft activity you did at school
- An article that you read from a magazine or newspaper
- A situation that you got a little angry
- A person who once moved to live with you
- A goal you want to achieve in the future
- A time you missed an important appointment for something
- A time you needed to use imagination
- A tall building in your hometown you like or dislike
- An area of science that you are interested in
- A gift that you recently gave to others
- A place in other countries where you would like to work for a short time
- An advertisement you have seen recently
- A garden you have visited
- An interesting public place that you like to visit
- An outdoor activity you like to do
- A dream you have had
- A story or a novel that was particularly interesting to you
- A wedding you have been to
- A character or personality of yours